Ball Aerospace Completes OMPS Focal Plane Arrays
March 24, 2005
The most technically challenging portion of the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) -- the focal planes -- are now complete. Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. has completed environmental and performance testing on three focal planes for the first OMPS flight unit, also know as the Proto-Flight Model (PFM).
The OMPS PFM Nadir and Limb sensors and main electronics boxes are also nearing completion of the integration phase and will be entering test.
OMPS is one of more than a dozen instruments that will fly as part of the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) -- a program designed to provide the nation with the capability to measure atmospheric, land and ocean environmental conditions on a global basis. Ball Aerospace is part of the Northrop Grumman Space Technology NPOESS team. Northrop Grumman is the NPOESS prime contractor and has overall responsibility for the program development effort.
OMPS is designed to replace the Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Radiometer 2 (SBUV/2), a Ball-built ozone monitor flown on NOAA weather satellites and providing uninterrupted global measurements of ozone concentration in the Earth's stratosphere for more than 12 years. OMPS will provide parallel functionality to both SBUV/2 and NASA's Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS), with new and improved environmental data records.
"OMPS represents continuing excellence of Ball Aerospace ozone monitoring sensors demonstrated by SBUV/2 and SAGE III," said Mike Cerneck, Vice President and General Manager of Ball Aerospace Defense Operations.
Ball Corporation
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SOURCE: Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.
CONTACT: Jennifer Meyer, +1-303-533-4213, or Sarah Hoyt,
+1-303-533-4945, both of Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.,
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