Thank you for your visit to our website. Ball Corporation, its subsidiaries and affiliates, appreciates your interest in our company and our products. The following Terms of Use and Privacy Policies apply to the use of this website. Please click on the Terms of Use and Privacy Policies below for more information.

  • Terms of Use – General: Addresses general information regarding all  Ball websites, content of the websites, trademarks, warranties, and general terms of use and topics.
  • Privacy Policy – General: Provides information regarding Ball’s general policies relating to protecting personal data, information Ball collects in connection with your use of this website, your interactions with Ball, who to contact if you have additional questions, and other related matters.
  • Cookie Policy: Provides information regarding “cookies” used by Ball, which cookies are required, and which cookies are optional.

By using this website, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policies. If you do not agree with the Terms of Use & Privacy Policies, you must refrain from using the website.

If you would like to exercise your preferences or learn more about how your information is collected and used by Ball, please submit a “Personal Data Inquiry” through the “General Inquiry Form” located here.

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